The reporting individual lived on Camden Avenue across the street from Magnolia Public School school yard. I've cleaned-up the diction a little for the sake of clarity ...
[At] approximately 10 p.m. I was sitting watching TV with my parents. when
the TV [suddenly] got fuzzy.
We heard some people
making noise outside a few minutes later.
When my dad looked outside to see what was going on, he called us all
outside. Directly across the street from
my house is [Magnolia Public School ]
school yard.
Approximately 100 yards away. hovering approximately 200
feet above the school, was a huge, bright, white, completely illuminated, egg-like
sphere with a band of changing colored lights along the perimeter of this
We are located about
20 miles from Philadelphia International Airport . We were outside, along with all of our
neighbors, looking up at this object. It was about the size of a football field.
When airport traffic
patterns [i.e., passenger
jets making their
final approach to
International Airport] came in
our direction, the object would black-out
[so that
it was] almost invisible, but
because of our close distance we could still see it.
We tried to call the
local news stations but all outgoing calls
[were met with
a busy signal]
-- even [calls]
to other phones in our house, as if
[the UFO] was jamming the phone
lines! The cable was messy, too.
The object hovered
silently for approximately 20 to 25 minutes.
You can see the original of the report, from the files of the National UFO Reporting Center, here ...
The "PD" in the last line of the report isn't me.