Thursday, October 26, 2017


The  other  night,  I  heard  on  conservative  talk  radio  how  researchers  had  happened  on  evidence  that  former  first  lady  Hillary  Rodham  Clinton  and  the  DNC  had  paid  researchers  millions  of  dollars  to  dig  up  dirt  on  President  Trump.

Because  I  like  to  tease  Rise`  on  such  things,  I  went  to  her  and  said,  "Ah-HAH!  They  caught  Hillary  paying  to  develop  testimony  in  a  secret  dossier  on  Trump!"

"Oh,  yeah?"  she  answered.  "What  makes  it  'secret'?"

"Well,"  I  responded,  "the  Inquirer  called  it  a  'dossier,'  and  dossiers  aren't  'dossiers'  unless  they  are  secret,  or,  well,  files  aren't  'dossiers'  unless  they  are  secret,  or,  well,  secrets  aren't  'dossiers'  unless  they  are  files,  or  something  like  that.

"In  any  event,  I  tried  to  read  the  Inquirer  article  of  the  subject,  and  it's  impenetrable.  It's  completely  Byzantine.  Even  the  participants  won't  understand  what  they  did  wrong.  My  guess  is  that  someone  BAD  did  something  BAD  so  that  the  article  accuses  them  of  doing  BAD  things,  something  like  that.

"Secret  dossiers  have  to  be  read  and  worked  on  in  dark  basements  by  the  light  of  dirty  lanterns,  otherwise  they  stop  being  secret  dossiers.  That's  the  rule.  So,  I  imagine  that  that  is  what  Hillary  Rodham  Clinton  and  the  DNC  were  caught  doing.  DISGRACEFUL!  And,  in  any  event,  I  found  this  recording  of  what  appears  to  be   Hillary  Rodham  Clinton  lurking  in  the  dark,  doing  research  on  her  secret  dossier  on  President  Trump ..."

At  a  couple  of  points  the  "narrator"  sounds  like  he  is  yelling,  "HILLARY!  I  LOVE  YOU!"  Listen  carefully.

1 comment:

  1. Apparently, a number of people did not know that this was tongue-in-cheek. The film makers were a couple of guys looking for a legendary witch in India. They thought that the witch was real. One would think that the nonsensical tone of my narrative made it clear that the whole thing was a spoof. I thought it was cool that the frightened Hindi-speakers' words sounded like, "Hillary, I love you!"
